
## Themes

BAUHAUS by @ryry (download)

fast tracker 2 theme by @pselodux (download)

FUNKTRONIC2 by @disposableplanet (download)

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rose pine by @jupart (based on (download)

monocolor themes (.zip) by @verbastel (download)

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Modus Operandi theme by @jupart (download)

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Tycho theme by @antsa (dark) (light)

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gameboy theme by @monodestroyer (download)

Burnt by @ahlstrominfo (download)

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Embark theme (based on by @toyz (download) (high contrast)

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Polyend Tracker theme by @liminaleris (download)

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Skeletor by @enduss (download))

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Bi theme by @sleepside (download) Pasted image 20240226230458.png

][c theme by @distropolis (download)

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Halloween theme by @spiffe (download)

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Amaterasu theme (based off the game Okami) by @s0nlxaftrsh0ck (download) Pasted image 20240226230810.png

Rez theme by @s0nlxaftrsh0ck (download) Pasted image 20240226230851.png

Treydark by @fracture (link) Pasted image 20240226231023.png

designer by @wangus (download) (light) Pasted image 20240226231208.png Pasted image 20240226231219.png

BR by @256k (download) Pasted image 20240226231422.png

Monokai theme by @oks2024 (download)

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Monokai theme by @kkampy (download) Pasted image 20240226231544.png Pasted image 20240226231554.png

JD-08 theme by @impbox (no link, see screenshot to replicate) Pasted image 20240226231700.png

CANARI by @256k (download)

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LGPT PSP theme by @256k (download)

LTPNK by @rupa (light theme) (download)

Gameboy theme by @peynt (download) Pasted image 20240226231921.png

Solarized theme by @masupert (dark)(light) Pasted image 20240226232026.png Pasted image 20240226232034.png

Mono Orange by @masupert (download) Pasted image 20240226232119.png

HENLEY_ORANG by @mint_sauce (download) Pasted image 20240226232247.png

Synthwave theme by @theejm3 (download) Pasted image 20240226232331.png

Amber/Seaweed themes by @jlk (amber)(seaweed) Pasted image 20240226232511.png

Gruvbox theme by @zurvan (download) Pasted image 20240226232740.png

Darcula theme by @auz (download) Pasted image 20240226232819.png

BACK2CLASS by @archiefunker (download)

One Dark theme by @rj_eckie (download) Pasted image 20240226232942.png

DUNGEON by @apticx (download) Pasted image 20240226233012.png

EASYEYE by @apticx (download) Pasted image 20240226233111.png

OVERWORLD by @apticx (download) Pasted image 20240226233156.png

SAKURA by @apticx (download) Pasted image 20240226233249.png

SUNLIGHT by @apticx (download) Pasted image 20240226233314.png

NIGHT_PINK by @skkeye (download) Pasted image 20240226233503.png

Ableton Live theme by @skkeye (download) Pasted image 20240226233533.png

Cobalt2 theme by @gamingrobot (download) Pasted image 20240226233620.png