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Accessing BIOS

Access BIOS -> hold VOLUME UP + POWER until chime is heard Access boot menu -> hold VOLUME DOWN + POWER until chime is heard

Addons / Tweaks


website installer (.desktop file)


website installer (.desktop file)

Setup for Development

# set sudo password (preserved between OS updates)
$ passwd

# disable readonly mode
$ sudo steamos-readonly disable

# set up pacman-key
$ sudo pacman-key --init
$ sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux

# install base-devel (overwrite required if files carried over from previous OS)
$ sudo pacman -S --overwrite \* base-devel

# reinstall packages which may have missing files
$ sudo pacman -S glibc linux-api-headers libarchive

# install yay
$ cd /tmp && git clone '' && cd /tmp/yay && makepkg -si && cd ~ && rm -rf /tmp/yay/

# setup vscode?
$ yay -S visual-studio-code-bin

# setup python?
$ sudo pacman -S python python-pip