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Arch Linux Packages

Installing Packages

# Installing a package
$ sudo pacman -S <package>

# Removing a package
$ sudo pacman -R <package>

# Listing dependencies and other information about a package (query & print info):
$ sudo pacman -Qi <package>

# Synchronize repositories:
$ sudo pacman -Sy

# Full system upgrade (sync repositories, update the keyring, then updates all packages):
$ sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring & pacman -Su

# Remove orphaned packages (packages no longer required by any other package):
$ sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)

Installing AUR (Community) Packages


$ git clone<package>.git
$ cd <package>
$ mkpkg -si

Using a AUR helper (yay):

# install yay manually
$ git clone
$ cd yay
$ mkpkg -si

# or use this one-liner
$ cd /tmp && git clone '' && cd /tmp/yay && makepkg -si && cd ~ && rm -rf /tmp/yay/

# installing a package
$ yay -S <package>

Yay Install/Update One-liner

cd /tmp && git clone '' && cd /tmp/yay && makepkg -si && cd ~ && rm -rf /tmp/yay/



Must add user to sudo group and edit etc/sudoers to allow users in the sudo group.

Text Editors


pacman -S neovim python-neovim

Clipboard Support

xclip for X11 wl-clipboard for Wayland

Programming Languages


pacman -S python3

Bluetooth Support

bluez bluez-utils

# sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
# sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service

If using KDE, it comes with its own Bluetooth frontend.

Desktop Environments (DE)

Desktop environments are usually an all-in-one package of window manager (WM), compositor, and/or a full program suite including a settings GUI and default apps.




xorg-xinit xorg-server

Display Manager (DM)

Display managers (or login managers) automatically starts a GUI at the end of the boot process.


pacman -S xorg-xinit xorg-server Without a display manager, the GUI would need to be entered through the terminal. This can be done by running startx . This will source a file named ~/.xinitrc, which should contain the commands needed to start your DE or WM, as well as any default apps.

To open Plasma when running startx (provided by xorg-xinit), add these lines to a file named ~/.xinitrc.

export DESKTOP_SESSION=plasma
exec startplasma-x11


pacman -S lightdm A simple, lightweight display manager. Usually requires a greeter, which provides a login screen.

File Explorers


pacman -S thunar

Additional Packages

tumbler: thumbnail support ffmpegthumbnailer: video thumbnail support thunar-volman: removable device management gvfs: trash support, mounting with udisk and remote filesystems