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Common Issues

Boot / Startup

Changing GRUB kernal boot parameters

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
sudo upgrade-grub

Terminal setup

Fix TTY Screen Resolution

Install fbset.

fbset -G <width> <height> <x> <y> 32

Temporarily Change TTY Font

setfont /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/drdos8x16.psfu.gz

Graphics setup

Disabling Nouveau (default NVIDIA driver)

This is necessary when installing the official NVIDIA graphic drivers.

Add the parameters nomodeset nouveau.modeset=0 to the GRUB kernal boot parameters.

NVIDIA module unable to start after updating Linux kernel

The NVIDIA module not starting can lead to being stuck in the terminal, the display manager not starting, and startx not finding any screens.

This may be caused by the NVIDIA module being in the modules folder for the old Linux version. Try to start the module manually:

$ modprobe nvidia
This will fail if it cannot find the module in the correct module folder.

You can try installing nvidia-dkms (replaces nvidia), which will compile the modules for you in the correct folder:

$ sudo pacman -S nvidia-dkms

Package management

Deleting orphaned packages

sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)

pacman -Qt queries all packages that are not required by any other package. The d flag filters it to only packages installed as dependencies. The q flag outputs simpler text (to send to pacman -Rns).

invalid or corrupted package or other PGP issues

Try each of these steps in order to see if they fix the error:

  1. If system time is not synced, manually sync it:
    $ ntpd -qg
    $ hwclock -w
  2. Update the archlinux-keyring package:
    $ sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
  3. Refresh keys:
    $ sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
  4. Resetting all installed keys:
    $ sudo rm -rf /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
    $ sudo pacman-key --init
    $ sudo pacman-key --populate
  5. Manually add the key:
    $ sudo pacman-key --recv-keys <keyid>
    $ sudo pacman-key --finger <keyid>
    $ sudo pacman-key --lsign-key <keyid>

Storage partition setup

Finding the UUID of a partition

sudo blkid /dev/<part>

Mounting NTFS partitions

Type: ntfs-3g Options: defaults,exec,nls=utf8,umask=000,uid=1000,guid=1000

This will mount the NTFS partition with RWX permissions.

May need to turn off hibernation and fast boot on Windows before doing this.

Auto-mounting drives

Goes into the /etc/fstab file.

Use the UUID instead of the /dev/<part> name since partition IDs may change.

Xorg setup

Overriding the .xinitrc file that is used when running startx

startx ./<config>

The ./ before the path is important. startx won't recognize it otherwise.

Starting an Xserver under a different display ID

startx -- :<id>

With a custom config:

startx ./<config> -- :<id>

Finding the IDs of all connected monitors

xrandr --query

Playing Windows games

On Steam: Steam will attempt to play it with its built-in Proton dist.

Not on Steam: Use lutris.


Music production

Native DAW options

  • Bitwig Studio
  • Reaper

Mounting & installing Native Instrument .isos

Installing products through Native Access (in Wine) will fail if it downloads an .iso and has to mount it (the mount program doesn't work in Wine). In this case, mount the .iso manually and install it.

sudo mount -t udf -o unhide <iso> <mount point>

Afterwards, execute the installer exe within to install it.

Bridging .dll VST plugins

Options - linvst - airwave - carla (and carla-bridges-win)

linvst seems to produce the best results.

linvstconvert-cli -i <vst dir>

Guitar Rig 5 does not work currently. Thankfully Bitwig Studio has its own amp plugin.

Adobe Creative Cloud