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Freeing Many Nodes At Once

If you run into the problem of your game crashing when freeing a large amount (100s) of nodes at once, that is, trying to run something like:

for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("group"):

here is a workaround that might work.

Batched queue_free()

The idea here is instead of freeing all of the nodes at once, only free some of them per tick:

var nodes_queued_for_deletion := []

func free_nodes():
    # add all nodes you want to delete here
    for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("group"):

func _physics_process(_delta):
    # free batches of nodes at a time here
    for node in nodes_queued_for_deletion.slice(0, MAX_NODE_DELETIONS):
        if is_instance_valid(node): bullet.queue_free()
    nodes_queued_for_deletion = nodes_queued_for_deletion.slice(MAX_NODE_DELETIONS)